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Your people will

make or

break your


are one 
of your people.

Helping leaders and teams turn stress 

into success.

If you're not leading yourself well, you're not leading anyone else well either. 

Spotlight exactly what needs to shift in order to create the greatest possible impact for yourself and those you lead with our Leadership Elevation Checklist.

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Brutal Facts


of employers believe employees leave for more money



of employees
quit their boss not their pay


of employees understand company goals


of employees' time is spent on company goals 

My Brand Promise is...

To Catalyze your success


To be successful in business, leadership, and life you need to know: who you are and who you want to be, so you can uncover where you are going and how to get there.

"Aha" Moments
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Consciously aligning your values and actions result in achieving gratifying outcomes and met expectations. The focus is on leadership, communication, and motivation, and the inner-work to do these exceptionally well.

Practical, results-driven tools

Custom curated processes for growth and development are strategically used to increase the capacity for creative, strategic, and innovative decision making. 

What I Do

personal power

As a People & Performance Catalyst, my role is to propel leaders at every level forward using the 5.5 Lenses of Humanistic Leadership so they can create the greatest impact in their life, organization, and community. 

accountability invites

to take root.


It's your pool,

We all swim in a unique pool called life. The condition of the water, and whether we sink or swim, depends on how we live and interact within our pools.


To maintain and grow, your organization must be relevant, proactive and resilient through change.


don't pee in it.
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Through relevant examples and an energetic delivery, I show audiences how to clean their own pools – personally and professionally, be accountable for the maintenance, and enjoy the swim. The water’s great…. come on in!


Voted Member's Choice of the Year!

Municipal World Presents

'Getting back to business in a post-Covid world' with Janice Otremba

In this episode, “Getting back to business in a post-COVID world,”, sponsored by Western Cities HR, Janice Otremba discusses how municipalities are now experiencing a high level of burnout, what managers need to know, and the five lenses of humanistic leadership.

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what clients are saying

"It has been money well spent to invest in the solid expertise of Janice Otremba over the past two years."

Devin Gambler, Department Manager,

Business and Economic Development Department

Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc

Voted Member's Choice of the Year!

Municipal World Presents

'Getting back to business in a post-Covid world' with Janice Otremba

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Learn strategies for organizational change to drive business growth, development, and success from a top leadership coach, and People & Performance Catalyst.

have a quick question?

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I acknowledge that myself and my team live and work within the Tk'emlups te Secwépemc territory, situated within the unceded ancestral lands of the Secwépemc Nation.

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